Juggling in VR

Juggling in VR vs. Juggling in real-life

Juggling is a physical skill that is hard to learn. As a consequence of this, people give up faster while juggling. During this project we created a VR juggling program. Interviews revealed that people often feel frustrated, annoyed, disappointed or exhausted when they try to learn juggling. We created a VR program which makes it possible to divide learning into small steps. Furthermore, tutorials and help were provided. An important function in the VR program is the gravity adjustment which makes it much easier to start learning juggling.

Besides the user evaluation executed to accomplish a high level of usability of the program we also examined whether learning juggling in VR improves skills more compared with juggling in real-life situation.

The results of our user evaluation tests show that the prototype has a high usability. Besides this, it also helps to provide a positive feeling to learn juggling and not invoke damage. The participants in our test improved their hand-eye coordination more in VR than in real life. Practicing in VR improved the average number of thrown balls with 307.5% while practicing in real life the average number of thrown balls only improved with 107.3%.

Below a few images are presented of methods used during the process of creating the interface. The high-fidelity prototype can be found via the following link: https://nv3br7.axshare.com/welcome.html. The final version in Unity is based on the high-fidelity prototype.

Paper prototype



High-fidelity prototype

This project was carried out with Zhe Deng.