A Rose for a Rose

The Influence of the Number of Times the Word ‘Rose(s)’ appears in Songs on the Number of Roses Sold in that Year

Two playful and unconventional questions were formed by investigating whether the written lyrics “Rose(s)” that comprise famous U.S. tunes has an influence on the roses sold in the United States of America (USA).

1. Are there more roses sold when the word “rose(s)” appears more in lyrics released in the same year?

2. Do the top 100 popular songs with the word “rose(s)” in the USA have a bigger influence on the roses sold than the rest of the songs in that same year?

Both data from Lyrics.com and Billboard showed a possible relation between the number of the word "rose(s)" in lyrics and the number of roses sold. In the data from Lyrics.com there is a relation visible between 2006 and 2010 and in the data from Billboard (top 100) there is a relation visible between 2009 and 2015, but with no results that Billboard Top 100 has a larger influence than all songs released per year. To find out if there is an actual relation, further research is needed including statistical analysis and additional factors.

This project was carried out together with Daphne Wong-A-Foe.